Have you checked out Netflix's, "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" yet? We'll say it, the show is very entertaining, moving, fun, maybe even addictive!
Although we certainly appreciate Marie Kondo's approach and the successes of the KonMari method of organizing, here at Style Up Group, we have a bit different of a method.
A typical organizing assignment for us begins with an initial call about the scope of the project and what our client hopes to accomplish. After that we'll come for an in person walk through, or if clients prefer, this can be done via email with photos or facetime. This is when we get an actual visual of the project at hand.
Next, Style Up Group will advise the client on the estimated number of session hours required and recommend a package. Sometimes clients wish to only have us do a portion of the project (jump start it), and then finish it alone. Other times, we finish one project and the client is already asking us about tackling another area. We will work with you and communicate throughout the process.
During the organizing work itself, we prefer that you are involved since you'll be making decisions about what to keep, what to discard, what to donate. You may also have preferences on bins, containers and organizing materials to use. We also understand that some clients really just want us to do the project and take over, which we can certainly do as well.
When deciding what to keep and what to not keep (whether discard or donate), we like to be realistic. Instead of having you hold each item and ask "does this spark joy for you?," more likely we'll ask:
- How often do you use it?
- Is that amount of use worth the amount of space it's taking up?
- Would you consider upgrading these items?
- Esthetically speaking, is this representative of your style?
Style Up Group will make sure you're set up for success - logistically, realistically, practically, and stylishly.
When all those things come together, it's incredible how stress is lowered, productivity increases and life gets easier.
Contact us for your free consultation today!